“I have never been to a gym before Partners In Health because I thought nothing looked more tedious and boring. My experience at Partners In Health has made me wish I’d come here sooner” - Jean
“I had never been fond of gyms before or exercise in general. So I was very pleasantly surprised when Partners In Health turned out to be so much more than a regular gym” - Ian
“I started with one personal training session per week and now I have four because not only are they so much fun but I no longer have the crippling back problems that I’d been suffering for over 10 years.” - Sue
“Personal Training at Partners In Health has taught me to value each step forward and keeps me motivated if I look like taking a step backwards. I don’t look like my other friends my age. After personal training for over 10 years I not only feel 20 years younger but I look it.” - Robyn (age 55)
“In 2004 I underwent a back operation which wasn’t entirely successful. I went to hydro at the hospital but wasn’t getting anywhere. My GP, Dr Marinos suggested I give Lisa a call to start on some gym work. Not ever having been to a gym I was very nervous, but Lisa very quickly put me at ease. From the time I started going I was very happy and comfortable there. Lisa was so helpful and the encouragement I receive from her and her staff is wonderful. Nearly twelve months down the track I can say I am 100% stronger than I have been for a long time, and I have lost my dependence on my walking stick as well! I laughed when Lisa told me that the ‘stick just has to go’! Not only do I move and feel so much better, I have lost weight (not allowed to lose anymore she says!), but I enjoy my now daily sessions at the gym” - Heather (age 72 years)
"My story is a long one so I will cut it short. My wife has been a client of Lisa’s for 15 years and over these years I always told her that ‘she’d never get me in the gym’. Well, 14 months ago my GP sent me to her gym because of my blood pressure. She wanted me to get fit and lose weight. That was just the beginning. Lisa kept daily checks on my blood pressure and after a month or so strongly suggested I return to my GP with her readings. It has taken over 12 months to get control over my blood pressure. During this year I have had three stents in my arteries as well as discovering major kidney problems. I believe if I hadn’t had her care with my blood pressure and her worry with symptoms I was having in my legs (she kept sending me back to the doctor, more tests, more bad news!!) I would have had a heart attack. I am still at the gym and am trying to ‘enjoy it’! But I know I have to do it if I want to stay alive!" - Gregory (age 66 years)
" I had a bilateral knee replacement in 2004 and then rehabilitation with Lisa. My recovery was outstanding with full return of movement - walking, running, cycling with no difficulty." - Robyn (60 years)
Other testimonials are available from the following medical practitioners on request
Dr Andrew Smith
Dr Andrew Brooke
Dr Jenny Ross-Cooke
Dr Steven Moulding
Please contact us for more information.