Older Person's Program

[Old Person's Program]
The Facility PDF Print E-mail

At Partners in Health you will find:

  • A wide variety of free-weight and machine weight equipment
  • Lisa has carefully chosen equipment that she knows not only works but is safe and effective
  • A wide selection of core conditioning and rehabilitation equipment
 [Facilities] We aim to provide a local alternative to large commercial gyms, opting away from the standard huge spaces that cater for large numbers.

Opening hours. We are a 24/7 centre by appointment.

Days From To 
Monday to Thursday 6am - 1pm / 4:30pm by appointment
Friday 6am - 10am
Saturday/Sunday By Appointment

Our centre is available for short term hire. We have various hours when our centre is available. Great for Judo,  Tai Chi, Tai Kwando, meditation and yoga to name a few.

Large rubber matted floor.  For further information contact Lisa.

info@partnersinhealth.net.au | Ph:(02) 6162 0683 | Fax: (02) 6162 0685 | 24 John Bull St Queanbeyan | Webmaster
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